Air duct cleaning is essential to protecting the air quality in your home or business. Our team offers affordable vent cleaning services that will remove dust and micro-bacteria from your HVAC system. If you're experiencing issues with your heating system and you are in need of a reliable repair or replacement option we can help. Our team of heating
Preventative maintenance ensures your heating and air equipment will operate all year round with no surprise breakdowns. Additionally, most manufacturers' warranty regulations require annual cleaning and inspection of the equipment for the warranty to remain valid. If you can't remember the last time your air conditioner, heat pump, mini-split or furnace
With 40-plus years of experience in the WNC service business, we understand how to provide 5 star service to our friends, neighbors, and relatives. We provide an excellent up-front price for every job we undertake. And we'll do it by providing a detailed quote in writing after seeing your project in person. This ensures your job is accurately estimated
My name is Jim Hildebrandt, I'm the primary owner/operator of FIXATRON HVAC. I'm licensed in SC and NC as an HVAC/Mechanical Contractor and I've been in the business for over 9 years. I enjoy having a small business as it allows me more flexibility with scheduling, lower operating costs, and lower prices for my customers. I enjoy being thorough in my